Obviously, using cheats disables achievements until you return to the main menu, but if you’re the kind of person who uses cheat codes, then you probably don’t care. By entering sequences of certain songs, you can activate as many cheats as you like. Here’s the fun part scroll over to the Sound Test. You can also change your character by pressing X. This will bring you to the Level Select menu, where you can jump to any act in the game. Hovering over the “No Save” icon, hold X and press A (Y and A on Switch, Square and X on PS4). There should be a toggle for Debug right there, so turn that on, and go back to the previous menu.

Go to Mania mode and scroll over to the “No Save” icon, then press Y (X on Switch, Triangle on PS4). Once you’ve got your medals, it’s time to activate Debug Mode. Step 2: Activating Debug and Accessing Level Select Thankfully, silver medals carry over between playthroughs, so you’ll only have to put yourself through this once. In order to unlock Debug Mode, you’ll need to collect 16 silver medals, obtained via clearing the Get Blue Spheres special stages in Mania mode. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to do this part legitimately. The presence of Debug Mode makes all of this possible. 4) Step 4: Go to Town Step 1: Unlock Debug Mode